Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lenders Make Their Profits From The Interest On The Loans They Grant

Category: Finance.

In all the excitement of dreaming about how you are going to spend the money you are about to borrow, little things like the small print at the bottom of the credit agreement can get missed.

Just sign them and you' ll get what you wanted. You' ve been yearning for a new car, caravan, motorbike, far- away holiday or to have the wedding you' ve always longed for and now you' re closer than ever as you have the papers in your hands that are the gateway to all that you' ve been promising yourself. No, what you deserve. Don' t rush in. Hang on there though. The small print could be very important as don' t forget, you could be paying this loan off for a few years and you don' t want to get wrapped into something you might regret.

Unsecured loans and tenant loans are, for lower amounts, in many cases of money than with secured loans and mortgages and in the same way, are often taken out over shorter terms as well. Unsecured loans for tenants and tenant loans are often the perfect way to raise the finance you need for some of the things that we' ve already discussed and many more besides I' m sure but like any means of borrowing money, there can be a sting in the tail if you don' t take care in what you are doing. Nevertheless, they should still be seen as a long term commitment and every effort should be made to keep the costs of the loan as low as possible. As long as they get the capital they lend back, then the interest on the money represents their profit on the deal. Lenders make their profits from the interest on the loans they grant. The higher the interest and the longer the term of the loan, or the longer they can get you to repay the loan over, the more money they will make from the deal so always bear that in mind when you' re considering the offer that they may make to you. You may also want the repayments to be as low as possible so that it hardly dents your salary each month but if you can pay it off sooner rather than later, you could save yourself a lot of money over the term of the loan.

Whilst they have a moral obligation to offer you an interest rate( APR) commensurate with your circumstances, one lender may offer a lower rate than another so shop around. Unsecured loans and tenant loans( which are the same thing in real terms) are much simpler to apply for than secured forms or lending as you won' t need a valuation of your property but they can still cost a bundle if you decide not to compare costs from one offer to the next. If you apply via a finance broker, you could save yourself all that time and energy by letting them do it all on your behalf. An easy way to do that is not to go direct to a range of lenders yourself. One application via the broker will let them check your circumstances with a range of lenders on their panel and they may come back with several offers at different rates and over different terms which could be radically different in cost over the length of the loan. Happy hunting. There are plenty online and after completing a simple enquiry form, you may get a telephone call to take the rest of your details which could result in you getting the money you wanted but at a cost that's better for you and your wallet!

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